Cydaea – Diablo 3

The first time I saw Cydaea in Diablo 3 I fell in love with her design. I promised myself I would make some kind of fan art with her. So I did!

I made a reference picture. Pulling pictures of her design from official Blizzard art to other fan art.  Just Google Cydaea and these pictures pop up. Ugh, she is so cool.

CydaeaREFReference images are not mine.

I began with her pose. I decided I would like to show the full body in an elegant pose because her title is Maiden of Lust. Although, she would tear your face off.  I referenced ballroom dancing to help me position her arms and hands. The bottom shapes are the sizes of her legs.


 Next step, I made a line drawing of the design of the armor and details. The line work is scratchy up close. I roughly draw lines then erase away to where I want the shape to be. I blocked in where the blacks/darks will be to help me figure out where the design gets too dense.


I removed the lines and did a quick light study before the coloring step.  I blocked in colors and then erased it to the shape it needed to be in. This process took longer than I expected but I’m glad I tried it. The total amount of time to digitally paint Cydaea was about 4 and a half days.CydaeaV3

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